Monday 6 March 2017

The Italy That Will Not Stop To Hate The Black Man

The reason behind the recent mass deportation of Nigerians from Italy may have or could be misunderstood. Most people believe that it is a normal routine check and a reduction of illegal immigrants in Italy and others blame it on the fear of terror attacks, while some think that it is the will of the Nigerian Government that their citizens be deported home, though the same Nigerian Government has no reason nor morals to back this up because, in Nigeria, many citizens still die of cholera, malaria, and hunger. Hunger has killed more people in the world than any war has ever done. Yet, we underestimate hunger and see it as a mere economic issue.
Meanwhile, An average Nigerian is not entitled to a daily balanced diet nor a clean water to drink. Whereas, any nation that does not have portable water is not a wealthy one. Thus, Nigeria can be said to be a rich country per se but with poor citizens.

That notwithstanding, I will take your minds back to the two incidents that occurred almost contemporarily in Italy that arose the anger of the Italian Government and which in turn led to the mass deportation of Nigerians.

1. Around 1st of January 2017, a refugee in a reception camp in Cona, Venezia lost her life due to the negligence of the center operators and the ambulance/emergency service. So, this sad incident so angered the other refugees that are in the same reception center that they took to the streets to protest. According to reports, somethings were later destroyed. Violence is always condemned but even at this, there are other ways to handle such issues whereby anyone that has erred is legally punished.

2. On the 3rd of January 2017, a Nigerian was accused of having murdered an Italian somewhere around Bologna.

Immediately after these incidents, and exactly on the 3rd of January 2017, the Italian Government roared and threatened to begin a mass deportation of immigrants to save their society. A threat which they are actually carrying out, but come to think of it, what do we do when an Italian murders a Nigerian?

Where do we deport the Italian? We have seen many incidents like this where Italians kill our own and some are never investigated and even if the culprit is found, we only get sympathy. This kind of action is wrong and discriminatory and we are strongly urging the Italian Government to desist from the biased and inhumane thinking that has beclouded the new cabinet. Because everything seems a revenge. Now that we are here, they call us illegal immigrants but when they came through the Mediterranean sea to occupy our lands, they called us their colonies.
Italians as illegal immigrants some years ago

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